Mission - NeTDiT Lab


The Network Technologies and Digital Transformation (NeTDiT Lab) (https://netditlab.uop.gr) is hosted at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department – (https://www.ece.uop.gr) of the school of Engineering, University Of Peloponnese (https://www.uop.gr) and was established in 2020 as the successor of the CONIDS Lab of the TEI of Western Greece.

The mission of the NetDiT Lab is summarized in conducting basic and applied research in areas of interest, in developing products based on cutting-edge technologies, the expansion of partnerships at national and European level and to support education in specialized areas of research and applications (undergraduate and graduate studies, internal seminars, workshops, etc).

Specifically the objectives of concern include:

  • Undergraduate and graduate theoretical and practical education in the Electrical and Computer Education (ECE) Department and other departments of the University. 
  • Theoretical and applied research in NeTDiT Lab research fields. 
  • Collaboration with other academic institutions, research centers and institutes in Greece or abroad, provided that their scientific objectives coincide, are consistent and complement each other, in a spirit of reciprocity and collectiveness.
  • Organization scientific conferences, workshops, seminars, symposia and other scientific events.
  • Realization scientific publications and presentations.
  • Invitation of Greek and international recognized scientists and other personalities.
  • Accommodation of the various social needs. 

The NeTDiT Lab operates in premises allocated by the ECE (building H) to facilitate instruments and other technical equipment needed to carry out its academic and scientific role.