
Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept. in the University of Peloponnese
Megalou Aleksandrou 1, 263 34, Koukouli, Patra, Greece

Contact Information


George Asimakopoulos


Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept. in the University of Peloponnese
Megalou Aleksandrou 1, 263 34, Koukouli, Patra, Greece


George Asimakopoulos received a Computer Science Degree from the University of Crete, Greece in 1997. He received a Masters degree in Techno-economical systems in 2003. He has Professional experience extends from 1999 to today in both private sector enterprises and educational and research foundations in the areas of software development, project management, knowledge management, e-learning, e-government, information security polices, Business models, Proposal authoring and Contract authoring. His current research interests involve the internet of things, ambient sensing, dynamic vehicle routing applications and digital forensics. He has presented 12 announces in IT related conferences some of which have been included in conference publications. He has participated in the authoring of three IT related academic books. He teaches Digital Forensics, Functional Programming, Object Oriented Programming, Data Structures, Data Bases, Operating Systems and New Economy.