
Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept. in the University of Peloponnese
Megalou Aleksandrou 1, 263 34, Koukouli, Patra, Greece

Contact Information


Ioannis Christodoulopoulos

PHD Student

Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept. in the University of Peloponnese
Megalou Aleksandrou 1, 263 34, Koukouli, Patra, Greece


Ioannis Christodoulopoulos holds a degree in Telecommunications systems and Networks from the Department of Telecommunications Systems and Networks of the Technological Educational Institute of Messolonghi in 2013. In 2016 he received his Master of Science Degree in Technological and Infrastructures for Broadband Applications and Services from the Department of Computer & Informatics Engineering of the Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece. He also has publications at international conferences.
His areas of interest include software technology, Web, modern computer networks, internet technologies and e-government services.
Ηis professional experience is mainly in the field of web application developer while he has experience in IT and networks. Since August 2018 he has been working as an IT Infrastructure and Applications Management and Development Technician at the Directorate of Greek School Network at Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus”.